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​  ​​N. Nathalie Nia Faulk - Director of Philosophy , Thought, & Leadership
N. Nathalie Nia Faulk is self described ebony southern belle born in Lafayette, Louisiana and living in New Orleans for the last eight years. Since her childhood, her work has lived at the the intersections of performance, healing justice, individual and organizational development, and community building. They use these competencies as tools for the liberation of all people, centering trans and gender non confirming black and brown people. Currently, they serve as A Human Right Commissioner for the City of New Orleans, Co-Director of Southern Organizer Academy as well as  Co-Director of Last Call Oral History Project. As a Advisory Board member, they currently serve both BreakOUT! and the LOUD Queer Youth Theater. They believe that everyone is inherently valuable and a star in their own right!

​​Key Jackson -Sr. Strategist
Key is a 1st nations/Black Queer radical dreamer who is committed to weaving the Strength of their community into sustainable social change. A Founding member of Black Youth Project 100 New Orleans, Key has spent the past 15 years fighting for Queer, Youth, Educational, Housing, Immigrant and Racial Justice. Key’s lived experience as a low income, Queer person of color has fueled their desire to educate and move always towards a more equitable reality. Key has co-founded multiple youth centered initiatives and has provided formal as well as informal trainings to hundreds of youth, organizations and communities across the nation.​ 

Our Mission.

S.O.A serves to strengthen the leadership and capacity of Southern based folks to build power that creates social and structural change. We are rooted in a queer, feminist, abolitionist framework  and believe that revolution is a verb , only possible through collective mass mobilization. 
S.O.A centers the leadership of Black and Brown women and femmes and strives to honor our strong lineage of freedom fighters through: 
  • Kinship based organizing training. 
  • Weaving our individual and ancestral knowledge into real time change.
  • Being a commitment to maintaining our wholeness and that of our kindred.
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